All Intense Penis Pumps are here to impress with a fantastic range of penis enlargement devices!
Intense Penis Pump is the best way to improve your sexual performance, size and stamina. We have sent product samples to men aged 22-45 who have erection problems or simply want to improve penis performance and size. The feedback has been 100% positive, everyone has verified that this is the best product on the market.
The Intense Penis Pump makes it easier to achieve an erection by using a vacuum system that concentrates blood in the penis when it is still flaccid. The erection is achieved and maintained thanks to a comfortable and airtight seal at the base of the body, right at the junction of the penis with the pubis, thanks to which the blood is retained in the trunk. Thanks to the sleeve, the seal is firm, comfortable and watertight without tightening.
Doctors consider the penis pump to be an effective and inexpensive treatment for erectile dysfunction and claim that prolonged use of the device will permanently increase penis size.
Other benefits of the Intense Penis Pump variety include delayed ejaculation, improved sexual appetite, increased testosterone, maintaining harder and longer lasting erections, and supporting penile tissue after prostate surgery.
Intense Penis Pump 01 improves your performance thanks to the built-in gauge. At a more advanced level, the calibration system is necessary to optimize performance and ensure the real pressure.
The INTENSE penis pump gives you instant results!
- Technical specifications of the intense penis pump 01;
- insertable length; 20 cm
- Overall inner diameter; 6.5 cm
- Material; abs + silicone
- Impermeable
- Without Phalatos